- UN
- Unani Medicine
- Unassigned Codon
- Unassigned Codons
- Unawareness State, Persistent
- Unawareness State, Post-Comatose
- Unawareness State, Post-Traumatic
- Unawareness State, Postcomatose
- Unawareness State, Posttraumatic
- Unawareness States, Persistent
- Unawareness States, Post-Comatose
- Unawareness States, Post-Traumatic
- Unawareness States, Postcomatose
- Unawareness States, Posttraumatic
- Unawareness, Prolonged Post-Traumatic
- Unawarenesses, Prolonged Post-Traumatic
- Uncaria tomentosa
- Uncertainties
- Uncertainty
- Uncinaria stenocephala
- Uncinate Epilepsies
- Uncinate Epilepsy
- Uncinate Seizures
- Unclassified Virus
- Unclassified Viruses
- Uncompensated Care
- Uncompensated Glaucoma
- Uncompensated Glaucomas
- Uncompensative Glaucoma
- Uncompensative Glaucomas
- Unconscious
- Unconscious (Psychology)
- Unconscious State
- Unconscious States
- Unconsciousness
- Uncoupling Agents
- Undecylenic Acid
- Undecylenic Acids
- Unden
- Under Curve, Area
- Under Curves, Area
- Under Developed Countries
- Under Developed Nations
- Under-Developed Countries
- Under-Developed Country
- Under-Developed Nation
- Under-Developed Nations
- Underachievement
- Underachievements
- Underemployment
- Undergraduate Medical Education
- Underinsured
- Underpad
- Underpads
- Underpopulation
- Underserved Area, Medically
- Underserved Areas, Medically
- Undertaking
- Undertakings
- Undescended Testes
- Undescended Testis
- Undifferentiated Carcinoma
- Undifferentiated Carcinomas
- Undifferentiated Lymphoma
- Undifferentiated Lymphoma, Diffuse
- Undifferentiated Lymphomas
- Undifferentiated Lymphomas, Diffuse
- Undulant Fever
- Undulant Fevers
- Unedited Footage
- Unedited Footage (PT)
- Unedited Footage [Publication Type]
- Unemployment
- Unerupted Teeth
- Unerupted Tooth
- Unfertilized Egg
- Unfertilized Eggs
- Unguents
- Unidirectional Nystagmus
- Unified Medical Language System
- Unilateral Deafness
- Unilateral Deafnesses
- Unilateral Diplopia
- Unilateral Diplopias
- Unilateral Facial Spasm
- Unilateral Facial Spasms
- Unilateral Headache
- Unilateral Headaches
- Unilateral Hypotonia
- Unilateral Paralysis, Vocal Cord
- Unilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis
- Unilateral Vocal Cord Paresis
- Uninhibited Neurogenic Bladder
- Uninhibited Neurogenic Bladders
- Uninsured
- Unintelligible Articulation
- Unintelligible Articulations
- Union Lists (PT)
- Union Lists [Publication Type]
- Union of South Africa
- Union, Consensual
- Union, Labor
- Union, Trade
- Unions, Consensual
- Unions, Labor
- Unions, Trade
- Uniparental Disomies
- Uniparental Disomy
- Uniparental Heterodisomies
- Uniparental Heterodisomy
- Uniparental Isodisomies
- Uniparental Isodisomy
- Unipolar Depression
- Unipolar Depressions
- Uniport
- Unit Dose Drug Distribution Systems
- Unit, Burn
- Unit, Cancer Care
- Unit, Colony-Forming
- Unit, Coronary Care
- Unit, Emergency Mobile
- Unit, Emergency Outpatient
- Unit, Hematopoietic Colony-Forming
- Unit, Hospital
- Unit, Hospital Hemodialysis
- Unit, Intensive Care
- Unit, Minimal Care
- Unit, Mobile Emergency
- Unit, Mobile Health
- Unit, Neoplastic Colony-Forming
- Unit, Pain Relief
- Unit, Replication
- Unit, Respiratory Care
- Unit, Self-Care
- Unit, SI
- Unit, Trauma
- United Arab Republic
- United Nations
- United States Agency for Health Care Policy and Research
- United States Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- United States Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration
- United States Centers for Disease Control
- United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- United States Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment
- United States Department of Agriculture
- United States Department of Health
- United States Department of Health and Human Services
- United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare
- United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
- United States Department of Health, Human Services
- United States Department of Human Services
- United States Department of Veterans Affairs
- United States Dept. of Health and Human Services
- United States Environmental Protection Agency
- United States Federal Trade Commission
- United States Food and Drug Administration
- United States Food, Drug Administration
- United States Health Care Financing Administration
- United States Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
- United States Health Resources Administration
- United States Health Resources and Services Administration
- United States Health Services and Mental Health Administration
- United States Indian Health Service
- United States National Academy of Sciences
- United States National Center for Health Statistics
- United States National Health Planning Information Center
- United States National Institute of Mental Health
- United States National Institutes of Health
- United States National Library of Medicine
- United States Occupational Health Administration
- United States Occupational Safety Administration
- United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration
- United States Occupational Safety, Health Administration
- United States Office of Economic Opportunity
- United States Office of Research Integrity
- United States Office of Technology Assessment
- United States Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health Office of Research Integrity
- United States Public Health Service
- United States Social Security Administration
- United States Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
- United States Supreme Court
- United States Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act
- United States Veterans Administration
- Unithiol
- Unitiol
- Units, Burn
- Units, Cancer Care
- Units, Colony-Forming
- Units, Coronary Care
- Units, Emergency Mobile
- Units, Emergency Outpatient
- Units, Hematopoietic Colony-Forming
- Units, Hospital
- Units, Hospital Hemodialysis
- Units, Intensive Care
- Units, Minimal Care
- Units, Mobile Emergency
- Units, Mobile Health
- Units, Neoplastic Colony-Forming
- Units, Pain Relief
- Units, Replication
- Units, Respiratory Care
- Units, Self-Care
- Units, SI
- Units, Trauma
- Universal Coverage
- Universal Precaution
- Universal Precautions
- Universities
- University
- University Health Service
- University Health Services
- University Hospitals
- University Medical Center
- University Medical Centers
- Unknown Origin Fever
- Unknown Origin Fevers
- Unknown Primary Neoplasm
- Unknown Primary Neoplasm Metastasis
- Unknown Primary Neoplasms
- Unknown Primary Tumor
- Unknown Primary Tumors
- Unloading, Hindlimb
- Unloading, Skeletal
- Unloadings, Hindlimb
- Unloadings, Skeletal
- Unmarried
- Unmarried Father
- Unmarried Fathers
- Unmarried Mother
- Unmarried Mothers
- Unmedicated IUD
- Unmedicated IUDs
- Unna Thost Syndrome
- Unna-Thost Syndrome
- Unnecessary Procedure
- Unnecessary Procedures
- Unnecessary Surgery
- Unplanned Pregnancies
- Unplanned Pregnancy
- Unprotected Sex
- Unpublished Documents (PT)
- Unpublished Documents [Publication Type]
- Unpublished Works (PT)
- Unpublished Works [Publication Type]
- Unsafe Sex
- Unsaturated Dietary Fat
- Unsaturated Dietary Fats
- Unsaturated Fats
- Unsaturated Fatty Acids
- Unsaturated Oils
- Unstable Angina
- Unstable Anginas
- Unstable DNA Sequence
- Unstable DNA Sequences
- Unsteady Gait
- Untrained Personnel
- Untranslated RNA
- Ununited Fracture
- Ununited Fractures
- Unventilated Space
- Unventilated Spaces
- Unverricht Disease
- Unverricht Diseases
- Unverricht Lundborg Syndrome
- Unverricht-Lundborg Syndrome
- Unwanted Birth
- Unwanted Births
- Unwanted Child
- Unwanted Children
- Unwanted Pregnancies
- Unwanted Pregnancy
- Unwinding Proteins, DNA